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USACO 2025 February Contest Bronze Division - Printing Sequences#

Problem link: TBD

Video link: here

Solution Author: Stefan Dascalescu

Problem Solution#

Given that \(n\) is small, thinking at brute force solutions is natural, which is what I did too. Therefore, I have a function \(solve(i, j)\) which computes the minimum number of print statements to print values from \(i^{th}\) to \(j^{th}\).

If there is some value \(x\) such that \(v[i] = v[i-x]\) for all \(i\) in range \((i+x, j)\) within that range, we got a period and \(solve(i, j)\) can be reduced to solve \((i, i+x-1)\).

We can also choose to split \(solve(i, j)\) in two and add up the answers. At the end, we consider the best option and check if \(solve(1, n) \leq k\).

This problem can be implemented iteratively as well if you iterate through the subarrays in increasing order of the length, which resembles a DP solution, as seen here, but this is beyond the point of bronze and therefore left as an exercise for the reader.

Source codes#

The source code in C++ can be seen below.

The python code will be added shortly.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

vector<int> v;
int rec (int L, int R, vector<vector<int>> &mini) {
    if (L == R) {
        mini[L][R] = 1;
    if (mini[L][R] != 100000) {
        return mini[L][R];
    int len = R - L + 1;
    for (int pos = 1; pos <= len/2; pos++) {
        if (len % pos == 0) {
            bool ok = 1;
            for (int i = L + pos; i <= R; i++) {
                if (v[i] != v[i - pos]) {
                    ok = 0;
            if (ok == 1) {
                mini[L][R] = min(mini[L][R], rec(L, L + pos - 1, mini));
    for (int split = L; split < R; split++) {
        mini[L][R] = min(mini[L][R], rec(L, split, mini) + rec(split+1, R, mini));
    return mini[L][R];
void solve() {
    int n, k;
    cin >> n >> k;
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        cin >> v[i];
    vector<vector<int>> mini(n+1, vector<int> (n+1, 100000));
    rec(1, n, mini);

    if (mini[1][n] <= k) {
        cout << "YES\n";
    else {
        cout << "NO\n";

int main() {


    int t;
    cin >> t;

    while (t--) {
    return 0;