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USACO 2023 January Contest Bronze Division - Moo Operations#

Problem link: here

Solution Author: Stefan Dascalescu

Problem Solution#

We can brute force all possibilities to place the MOO, by fixing the middle character.

Then we find the best answer based on whether we have remaining characters from the MOO string next to our character.

Source codes#

The source codes in C++ and Python can be seen below.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int main()

    int n;
    cin >> n;

        string s;
        cin >> s;

        int ans = (1<<30);
        for(int i = 1; i + 1 < s.size(); i++)
            if(s[i] == 'O')
                int cost = s.size() - 3 + (s[i-1] == 'O') + (s[i+1] == 'M');
                ans = min(ans, cost);
        cout << (ans == (1<<30) ? -1 : ans) << '\n';
    return 0;
t = int(input())
for _ in range(t):
    s = input().strip()
    ans = 1 << 30
    for i in range(1, len(s) - 1):
        if s[i] == 'O':
            cost = len(s) - 3 + (1 if s[i - 1] == 'O' else 0) + (1 if s[i + 1] == 'M' else 0)
            ans = min(ans, cost)
    print(-1 if ans == (1 << 30) else ans)