USACO 2015 December Contest Bronze Division - Speeding Ticket#
Problem link: here
Solution Author: Stefan Dascalescu
Problem Solution#
This problem can be solved using brute force because the sum of all lengths is at most 100.
As an alternative, we can rely on doing some sort of sweeping through the queries to assess whenever the speed limit was broken but this is beyond what we need for this problem.
Source codes#
The source codes in C++ and Python can be seen below.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream cin("");
ofstream cout("speeding.out");
int n, m, speedLimit[101];
cin >> n >> m;
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
int len, val;
cin >> len >> val;
for(int j = sum+1; j <= sum + len; j++)
speedLimit[j] = val;
sum += len;
int pos = 0, maxi = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
int len, val;
cin >> len >> val;
for(int j = pos + 1; j <= pos + len; j++)
maxi = max(maxi, val - speedLimit[j]);
pos += len;
cout << maxi;
return 0;
with open("", "r") as fin:
n, m = map(int, fin.readline().split())
speedLimit = [0] * 101
sum_ = 0
for i in range(n):
length, val = map(int, fin.readline().split())
for j in range(sum_ + 1, sum_ + length + 1):
speedLimit[j] = val
sum_ += length
pos = 0
maxi = 0
for i in range(m):
length, val = map(int, fin.readline().split())
for j in range(pos + 1, pos + length + 1):
maxi = max(maxi, val - speedLimit[j])
pos += length
with open("speeding.out", "w") as fout: