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About the project#

Here you can find solutions to past USACO problems, covered and explained by Stefan Dascalescu, a world class USACO and Competitive Programming Tutor with over 5 years of tutoring experience and more than a dozen years of experience of competing and being active at the highest levels in the competitive programming world.

Over the years, I had the chance to solve many USACO problems across all divisions both during my training for the Olympiads and other contests, as well as now in my tutoring career and I have observed that there are many interesting problems who lack a clear explanation and code, which is why I started this website as a way to bridge the knowledge gap while also showcasing easy and beginner friendly codes, as well as video solutions for certain problems.

You can check out the solutions to your favorite problems by either searching them in the search bar or by following the sections as follows:

About me#

Complete list of results

You can find everything I achieved as a contestant and tutor on my website.

Among my achievements as a contestant in USACO, I have earned a triple promotion from Bronze to Platinum in the same contest (December 2018) and earning a top 25 Platinum rank in December 2019 after a score of 762.

As a tutor, I helped students achieve over 40 promotions to higher USACO divisions and over 200 national and international awards globally, with the complete list accesible here.

Among my most notable awards include students who qualified and earned medals at major international competitions (IOI, APIO, EJOI, IATI, Info1Cup) as well as helping students from 20+ countries qualify to training camps and win prestigious informatics competitions.

Suggestions and feedback#

If you want to share any sort of feedback or suggestions to improve the project, please contact me through email or discord.

Enjoy reading and learning!